Are you considering a chemical peel? If so, then you really need to understand the complications involved prior to endangering your face because a chemical peel involves risks. You must sign a consent form acknowledging that you understand the risks involved and those risks involved are visible, permanent and irreversible scarring.
In order to qualify as a candidate for an acid peel. You must be fair-skinned because the less pigment. there is in the skin, the lower the chances of visible scarring. Most doctors will only do a chemical peel on someone with fair skin.
A chemical peel, literally burns the surface skin cells. There are three levels of chemical peels: light, medium, and deep. The deep chemical peels are the riskiest as stronger solution chemicals are utilized. In chemical peels the acids used cause burning at the cellular level . The skin burns because the chemical peel burns both the living and the dead skin cells. Once the living skin cells are burned they cluster to defend and attempt to heal. It is at this stage that scarring can occur.
As the outer layer of skin, or the epidermis as it is known, is removed in the chemical peel the layer below it becomes exposed. This is the layer where new skin cells form and if burned scar tissue will develop . It is possible that even if scarring is not physically visible damage may already have been done.
So if you are seriously considering a chemical peel perhaps you should think twice and inform yourself by doing your homework, getting a second opinion and asking others who have already undergone the process. Let's face it, the face shouldn't be played with as we try to beautify and battle aging -- we are looking for positive results and minimal risk.. If you absolutely intend on going through with the chemical peel ensure you are seen and consulted by a reputable doctor who will be honest with you.
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